Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Good week past and forward

I've been super busy these past few weeks since school started, as is everyone else. But it does seem that I'm getting even more taxes on my time. Thankfully, I've been up for the challenge and more efficiency and energy has increased along with my work load. I am however worried about getting burnt out. I remember not too long ago being a weaker man not able to keep up with these demands. Maybe all the energy I built up over a year of traveling has settled in my bones, and is a resource waiting to be used. I guess being active is a way to an active life as it were. So if you're interested in knowing what I'm spreading my efforts to, here's a list of my activities.

9 hrs/week Grad School with about as much outside of class with readings and projects.  
21 hrs/week TA job (freshmen are taxing on the nerves so I've found). 
10 hrs/week Pulse job working with the Sustainability Committee at SAIC which includes meetings, and meetings, and emails, and meetings. It's good work that is necessary for my happiness, but it is a time consuming venture. 
I sleep about 6 hours a day, sometimes less. 
3 hours a day making and eating food. 
7 to 10 hrs/week on the train, which sounds like a lot but I get much of my work done on the train. and occasionally read a book for fun. It's "Game of Thrones" right now.
And then on the weekends, I clean and work on fixing up my house and playing with my cat, and enjoying loud music with a glass of wine. Building shelves and doing laundry seems to be my only free time. I'm glad it has to be done because if it didn't, I'd probably fill that time with work too. Yay, for folding clothes. It might me boring to others but it's needed for my sanity. Sometimes it's good to not have to think. 

So there you have it. If I'm not answering your call or email or hanging out with you, it's probably cause I'm doing one or more of the following.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

No News is Good News

Well, not to much to say. Classes are going well. I've really hit a stride with completing work and getting everything done despite my busy schedule. I'm working on fixing up my apartment. I'm eating properly which hasn't always been the case. Family is good. It's a bit hot out but that soon will change. My life is pretty great right now.
And I'm so proud of Laura. She's figuring out her shit as well and her ideas are spectacular. I'm really happy for the both of us. 

Now if I could just get my first pay check.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Into the Thick of it

This is what I asked for. I must remember that. I can hear my own voice telling Laura while sitting in some cold, hard, forgettable shelter. "I can't wait til I have a schedule." When everyday, you wake up and put on almost frozen boots over definitely frozen socks, then trudge up and over a mountain then down then up another, you really miss the small things. Like a schedule. Something regular besides the trees and an empty stomach. Then I hear it. "I can't wait til I have a schedule." What was I thinking? A schedule was what I had. Every day I knew my tasks; walk, eat, sleep. No easier schedule than that. And I tell you the truth, trees aren't that bad. Good listeners, actually the best. Not too demanding either. I miss it, and yearn for it. I must find a way to get out of the city to see some trees. It is interesting that I've taken to imagining skyscrappers as trees. If I squint, and in just the right light, I can make out the trunks of huge metallic Oaks and Ashes. When Laura and I first started the AT, we would get claustrophobic from the woods. Walking for miles at a time, never seeing the direct rays of sunlight, living in a twilight world. The trees seemed to never end. But after a while, the forest became more like an oversized security blanket, always surrounding and comforting you. I'm hoping that's what this city will also become. I know it will in time, but til then I'm off to find some real trees. Peace out.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just Keep Swimming

So I have finally finished the first week of Grad School. It's been super hectic and tiring. But good. I'm expecting a lot out of myself and the people around me. Thank you Laura for believing I can do anything. I love you. Other than that, I've moved all my stuff into the apartment finally. Only took 4 hours with the unexpected help of some new and old friends. I missed this stuff while hiking the AT but now that I have it all, I kinda don't want it. More stuff means more to clean and organize. I miss the woods and my backpack filled with everything to my name. 

So, In my Social Theory class with Adam, we talked about how to keep up with Grad work and not get burnt out. He stole a line from Disney's Finding Nemo, saying "Just keep Swimming". He has a good point. Laura and I talked about dealing with only the stuff on your plate at that time and paying no attention to everything else on the table. So that's my plan. I'm going to keep swimming along, taking life's challenges one at a time. Thanks to everyone for all the advise given me.