Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just Keep Swimming

So I have finally finished the first week of Grad School. It's been super hectic and tiring. But good. I'm expecting a lot out of myself and the people around me. Thank you Laura for believing I can do anything. I love you. Other than that, I've moved all my stuff into the apartment finally. Only took 4 hours with the unexpected help of some new and old friends. I missed this stuff while hiking the AT but now that I have it all, I kinda don't want it. More stuff means more to clean and organize. I miss the woods and my backpack filled with everything to my name. 

So, In my Social Theory class with Adam, we talked about how to keep up with Grad work and not get burnt out. He stole a line from Disney's Finding Nemo, saying "Just keep Swimming". He has a good point. Laura and I talked about dealing with only the stuff on your plate at that time and paying no attention to everything else on the table. So that's my plan. I'm going to keep swimming along, taking life's challenges one at a time. Thanks to everyone for all the advise given me. 

1 comment:

  1. Friend speaks my mind- we're all in the same boat! (Or ocean. Let's keep that swimming metaphor going.)
