Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Gender Issues

Something is wrong with my account and I'm unable to post in my blog. So I'm doing it here.
My partner, Laura, and I have had many talks lately over gender issues. I have very strong views on what my role is as a male and her own views are strong as well. Sometimes the two perspectives are similar, sometimes not. Luckily the are most often alined with one another. Are discussions together many circle around what are the roles biologically for men and women respectively. And how those biological roles line up with or contrast the roles we have been gilded into playing by society. I'm of the mind that if any animal is forced away from their basic instincts, it is to the detriment of that animal. This begs the question, what are man's basic animal instincts, and what are woman's. Are there similarities? Are we even in touch with them any more? I don't have an answer but is interesting to speculate. However, I do know that intellectually Men and Women are equal, which is not the prevailing notion amongst many. This is seen in the belief that Women are inherently (As in inherited from previous generations of womanhood) bad at math. Wrong. That idea is sexist but for some reason males still dominate the math world and only 1 in 10 engineers are women. So if this is how this one issue plays out, what other issues are we not even aware of? What beliefs to we hold as facts, but are only constructions of this historically patriarchal society?
While you think on that, watch this video of some cool new toys coming out for girls.

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